Q. Who can apply for NWACC Foundation scholarships?
A. Any student attending NWACC for the upcoming academic year.
A. NWACC Foundation's scholarship application period is open from Oct. 1-March 1. NWACC Foundation's Scholarship application is through Award Spring. https://nwacc.awardspring.com/
Q. How will I know if I’ve been awarded a scholarship?
A. If you are awarded a scholarship, you will receive an award letter by email (the email you applied with) giving you the information for the scholarship you have been awarded and how to accept and obtain that scholarship.
Q. How do I accept my scholarship?
A. You will need to do the following steps in order to secure your award.
2. Check the dashboard to see follow up “to do” items, which includes
-Complete questionnaire and acknowledgements
-Upload a thank you letter to your donor
3. Complete the follow up “to do” items by the deadline stated in your award email.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Failure to complete the follow up "to do" items by the deadline will result in loss of scholarship.
Q. How do I decline a scholarship?
A. If you have changed your mind about accepting a scholarship, please do so in an email to rpilgrim@nwacc.edu as soon as possible, this way we can re-award the scholarship.
Q. Can I transfer my NWACC Foundation scholarship to another school?
A. No, the NWACC Foundation general scholarships are designated for NWACC students only and will not transfer to other schools.
Q. Does filling out the NWACC Foundation scholarship application, through Award Spring submit my application for the Arkansas Academic Challenge or Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Northwest Arkansas application?
A. No, the Award Spring application is only for the NWACC Foundation scholarships. For any information on the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship you will need to contact: the Arkansas Department of Higher Education’s website, www.adhe.edu, or contact the Arkansas Department of Higher Education’s Financial Aid department: finaid@adhe.ed
Information on the Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Northwest Arkansas is located at: https://spsfnwa.org/
Q. I forgot my password to the online application – how can I reset it?
A. On the Award Spring website, you can click “forgot password” and follow the steps to reset your password. If you are unable to change your password, please email rpilgrim@nwacc.edu.
Q. I recently changed my email address – how do I change it in Award Spring?
A. Send an email from your NWACC email account to rpilgrim@nwacc.edu. Make sure your contact information is included in the email and the specific reason you are requesting help.
Have more questions? Please contact:
Rachel Pilgrim
NWACC Foundation Scholarship Coordinator
Email: rpilgrim@nwacc.edu